Avviso e considerazioni I noticed a * slight * decrease in reading reviews, and especially in recent days that are clearly not motivates me.
I have many problems at home and at work, I'm very tired and end up stressed and Forbidden is becoming a problem ...
This is not to say that I'm not going to stop at all, but I decided to take my time, if I write when I can and when I like.
If I were to do it right now, for example, would be crap, because I do not want ...
That's it, let's just say that a relaxation of the plays, I give myself a relaxation of writing. The next chapter is not ready . Not yet, I need an ending, and many reviews, which occupy time.
I could publish it as is, but you know that is not my style. So there to wait, when I do not know, but I think quite a few days . Peace.
*** Another thing: I've always said so far, but still pretty veiled, now I'm going to say it clearly ...
on the Internet is full of stories written with their feet, from plots trivial, but stuffed with fake scenes of love, sex, swearing, endless clichés.
Stories Twilight of the plate have only to top , where all are human stories and characters of the protagonists are exceedingly different from the original and there is no psychological evolution or involution that leads them to be so different.
of twilight have only their names: Edward, Bella, Charlie, Alice etc etc.
Then Bella is a crazy neurotic nymphomaniac and foul-mouthed, or that Edward is an insensitive asshole addicted to alcohol and trailer, it does not matter. The important thing is that they are called Edward and Bella.
The only formula that really sells and pay, despite the absence of rules of grammar, in spite of often ludicrous plots and taking the piss out of the reader, dazzled by the associated names is: "Twilight" label, Starring Edward and Bella, characters ridiculously OOC, sex galore.
If the same plot had been sold as 'original' with characters named Jack and Louise, or Paul Simon and, no one would read it, even if there were sex scenes.
Now, I wonder, but above I ask you: do you think this is normal or synonymous with immaturity and inability to discern when something is there only to be sold, the player taking the piss?
But they did not realize that the reader says, 'Oh, poor Bella, let him not happening, then Edward is sick!', Perhaps about two Paul Simon and totally out of context Twilight?
the series: it is a true replay jeans or a pair of jeans in China, the important thing is the label.
The rest can suck, but what matters is the label.
Well, to me well that sucks.
soon (do not know when ... but I hope not too much)