Problems hospital "Madonna delle Grazie" Respect the right to Human Health
the Prefect of Matera Giovanni Francesco Monteleone
at District of Matera Gianfranco Bernabei
the Carabinieri di Matera
In Command of the Guardia di Finanza di Matera
Al President of the Court of Auditors Louis Gianpaolino
Dear Minister for Health Ferruccio Fazio,
my name is Eustace bag and I live in Matera. Even if I had the opportunity to meet in person, I have not been able to speak extensively of the problems plaguing the hospital "Madonna delle Grazie," Matera. For 20 years I worked in a factory Ferbona closely with asbestos, and for that, I must constantly monitor my health. In this hospital, however, this is not possible because, since it began operation, a machine to perform tests on the Pulmonology tumors is not working. In this factory have worked thousands of workers not only from matter, but also from the province and each of them need this machine. It is said that the hospital "Madonna delle Grazie" is r ECOGNITION worldwide, but how come we can not control their own health? A manager of ASM His knowledge to me as "criminal, terrorist and criminal" but he is not able to direct the hospital Matera. I hope you do something to solve all these problems and has not forgotten that aspect of the damages the physical, biological and moral that the Italian state has caused me. I await a response from you. If you want to call the contact numbers 3397671429 or 3397671430.
Matera, there 18/02/2011
Eustachio Sacco