Respect the right to health!
=> The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek
=> The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano
=> The Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
=> To the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini
=> The Chairman of the Senate, Renato Schifani
=> The President of the Court of Auditors Louis Giampaolino
=> The Justice Minister Angelino Alfano
=> The Minister of Labour and Social Policy Maurizio Sacconi
=> The Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio
=> Advocate General Francis Ignatius Caramassa
=> The Prefect of Matera Giovanni Francesco Monteleone
=> at District of Matera Gianfranco Bernabei
=> at District of Messina Carmelo Franco Maria Gugliotta
=> Al Quaestor of Bari George Manari
=> at District of Padua Francesco Mario Luigi Savina
=> at District of Rome Giuseppe Caruso
=> At the command of the Guard Finance Matera
=> At the command of the Carabinieri di Matera
=> The President of the Basilicata Region Vito De Filippo
=> alderman of Health Basilicata Region
=> To the President of the Puglia Region Nichi Vendola
=> The Editorial Board of Journal of Southern
=> The Editors of Daily
=> The Editor of The New Basilicata
=> The Writing of Rai 1 , 2 and 3
=> The Writing of TRM
=> The Writing of Telenorba
=> The Writing of Striscia La Notizia
=> the Editor of "The Morning "
=> In the" Il Giornale "
=> the Editor of "La Stampa"
=> the Editor of "The Naples
Dear President Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister Silvio Ministers Berlusconi and Fini, and Sacconi Schifani,
I am writing this email to ask why, despite all the email I sent, I have never responded. Take up your responsibility! I am an honest citizen, I pay my taxes and I demand respect! You do not know what is respect! Have you ever done a deaf ear! You need money to answer? Your predecessors have committed many mistakes in the 70s, but you continue to make mistakes! You know how the smell and the taste of soup? If you do not know what, you do not have the dignity of men! You are just war criminals and terrorists!
Dear President of the Court of Auditors Giampaolino Louis,
I trust her and her sense of justice. Do not make the same mistakes of your colleagues! If these errors continue to be committed, which means that Italy is a sewer! Why I have not been notified when the magistrate has sent the Police, the State Police and the Guardia di Finanza to seize the experimental drugs that I had administered? That business was with NATO and the Multinational? If I had signed a contract with IDI in the 70s, would come home a lot of money, but I would never come back because I would have died in Russia! I want you to do something for the fake that the Attorney General says to me. He does not respect what my body now! The infection I have not been caused by transfusion of infected blood, but by administration, without the proper personal information, such as experimental medicines Ergani, TRILERGAN vials, MIXOGON, DDS Synacthen and 50 mg vials, chemical compounds with infected blood products, intentionally and instrumentally usandomi as a guinea pig. Care must also be given by your colleagues medical records that were not found at the time of the seizure. I could write pages and pages about it, but I hope that justice triumphs in 2010 on corruption and is respected the human right to health. Thank you in advance for your efforts in enforcing the law.
Dear President of the Basilicata Region Vito De Filippo,
you, as president of my region, did nothing for my wife, with accompanying a disabled who can not understand and want. Abused her! Why did nothing when, in the hospital of matter, blew all his teeth? You should be ashamed! I have demonstrated for six days before the region of Basilicata Potenza and she has never gone down and I was never invited to his office to talk man to man. Even animals are treated as she treated my wife! Ask your wife how much women suffer when they have no more uterus, ovaries and intestines and they need diapers. If you can not do your job, resign! She takes advantage of people who can neither understand nor want to! I hope you never become disabled, even if that would understand all the mistakes he committed. I could talk for hours of your mistakes, but hopefully with these few sentences that you did not understand the dignity of man! It Vergoni! Shame on you! Shame on you! Respect the right to human health because they do not know what that means!
Dear Attorney General Francis Ignatius Caramassa,
I had already said that I'm a tough cookie. You do not know what it means to have a son or a daughter of 20 years. If he knew this, understand the errors of policy and science. That made you want! You do not understand how it feels in being rip the testicles, penis, hormones, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, liver, colon, lung, trachea, heart and brain! I have so many polyps that could prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner! Shame on you! If I would pull him to you and your colleagues bodies that politics and science have damaged me! She thinks only about money and not the good citizens! You do not know what it means to be a man! She I must pay damages physical, biological and moral, both internal and external, that I have caused! I have not been made of the transfusion of infected blood, but I have used as human guinea pig! She is just a criminal and a terrorist! Do not forget me! I'm not afraid of you! The infection I have not been caused by transfusion of infected blood, but by administration, without the proper personal information, such as experimental medicines Ergani, TRILERGAN vials, MIXOGON, DDS Synacthen and 50 mg vials, chemical compounds with infected blood products, intentionally and instrumentally usandomi as a guinea pig. I'm not a multiple transfusions, but a human guinea pig! Give me my money that you have in your pockets. What do you do with the money of the increase compensation that I deserve? With the money that he stole my gamble? You can change all the laws he wants, but I demand my money. We face a culture, because she occupies the position where there is only thanks to his knowledge in Italian politics. You do not know what the right to human health. The Vatican knew of my illness and it is thanks to the scientists of the Pope if my pictures are on encyclopedias. That there were agreements between the Vatican and the Italian? I could tell you many things, but the sheets would not be enough. After cultured, give me an answer! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! I'm waiting! I'm not afraid of you!
If you want to call the contact numbers 3397671429 or 3397671430. Yours sincerely.
Matera, there
Eustachio Sacco